The Seven Chakras

The Seven Chakras

Chakras are the Confluence of Nerves (naadi In Hindi) in the body. Naadi literally means the ducts or channels for flow – the flow of Prana in Energy Body. This confluence is referred to as Chakra because they embody movement. 

They may be called as Chakras but represented as Triangles. Each chakra represents an energy centre.


It is important to be aware of the Seven Chakras present in the body as it balances us physically, psychologically and emotionally.


The location and function of seven Chakras are:

1. The Root or Muladhara Chakra: It is located at the base of spine. Its role is to connect mind, body and soul with the Earth. It symbolizes survival, safety, energy and health. It regulates our food and sleep requirements. The more it is balanced the more one goes beyond cravings. The colour representing the Chakra is red.

2. The Sacral or Swadhishthana Chakra: This just above the genital organ and below the belly button.  It symbolises sensuality, sexuality, joy and happiness. This is associated with lymphatic system and emotions. It helps one to balance one’s sexual desires too. Balancing this results in equilibrium of the physical and spiritual. The colour representing this Chakra is orange.

3. The Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra: This is situated just below the naval. With the balanced manipura you are a doer. It symbolises identity, will power, courage, strength and self-esteem.  It is associated with self-confidence, self-discipline and wisdom. This Chakra is also responsible for the gut feeling - it guides you about something which isn’t right for you. The colour of Chakra is yellow.

4. The Heart or Anahata ChakraIt is situated just in the centre of the chest just beneath where the rib cage meets. It symbolises love compassion, harmony, acceptance and hope. If your energies are dominant in Anahata you become a very creative person. It is associated with love, compassion, emotional healing and sound mental health. The colour of the Chakra is green.

5. The Throat or Vishuddhi Chakra It is located in the pit of the throat. It is associated with voicing your expressions. It is responsible for expressing the truth and sharing your opinions. The colour associated with the Chakra is blue.

6. The Third Eye or Ajna Chakra: It is located between eyebrows and loosely translates to ‘beyond wisdom’. It symbolises insight, intuition and creativity. If your energies are dominant in Ajna, it brings you peace and stability within yourself irrespective of what is happening outside of you. The colour of Chakra is indigo.

7. The Crown or Sahasrara Chakra: It is at the top of head, where when a child is born, there is a soft spot. It symbolizes understanding and enlightenment. This is associated with the Buddhist concept of achieving Nirvana. Trying to balance this Chakra will help you gain insight into yourself and balance your other Chakras.

Life is happening as a one big whole. The Chakras are not functioning independent of each other, neither root Chakra is inferior to crown Chakra. The edifice is as important as the roof. They are all situated in the body. They manage your body’s energy.

They receive, assimilate and distribute energy to our energy centres. Balancing one Chakra comprehensively improves upon the whole system and is central to our well-being. Tuning the Chakras continually is vital for regular upkeep of physical mental and emotional health.
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Very informative

Sitesh Parekh

Short and to the point explanation. Very helpful

Gobind khemani

It is very informative and useful,
Thanks. 🙏

A K Verma

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