I will go with the flow!

I will go with the flow!

There is hardly anyone who has not been touched by the impact of COVID-19. The past two years have not been times of freedom and normality. No advancements in medicine have been able to help much. We have been forced to think and contemplate. Moreover, the toll has not only been physical, but mental and emotional too. Let us keep a realistic and hopeful outlook!

We may choose a few affirmations to carry us through these turbulent times.

"I Will Grow through what I am going through."

It is said that ‘Change is the most permanent’. Changes are always happening and we gradually accept the new norms like working from home and online learning. Many people have been forced to change their jobs or even leave their job. Trust that you are supported by the Universe, surrender and seek guidance and you will align all you need in life.

"It’s my day today."

Don’t wait for any perfect moment, happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now. Do something that matters to you now. This is the beginning of anything you want.

"I am one with Universe."

The pandemic has made us realiSe that in spite of all progress and advancement we are still completely in the hands of providence. So just let go of how you thought your life should be and embrace the unknown that is trying to work its way through you.

"Compassion" is my Mantra.

During this hard time when we don’t know what exactly is going on in other’s lives. People have lost their loved ones, suffered emotionally mentally and physically, been lonely, angry, scared and worried, while the pandemic raged. Compassion is a commitment not only to be practiced towards others but towards yourself. 

"Gratitude" is my virtue.

The pandemic has reminded us to value the people in our lives more than we ever did. It fulfills our own hearts when we are thankful and grateful to one and all. Many sacrificed a lot so that we could be healthy. Be grounded and keep calm during testing times.

“Fun and Laughter” be always with me.

Wish that laughter becomes the new pandemic. Don’t forget to have fun time. Don’t stress over the things you can’t control. Read a book, nurture your hobby, write a poem, paint for yourself, exercise, meditate. Play your own flute. After all being happy never goes out of style. Let the smile be contagious.

Since now we know that life doesn’t go as we plan, we look ahead to the future with open mind, and a feeling of trust and faith in Providence and we will be well placed to handle whatever comes our way.

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