How to Distinguish Real Pearls from Imitation Pearls

So many questions are flooding people's minds when they are buying pearls.
  1. What is a pearl and how is it formed?
  2. Is there a way to tell if a pearl is real or fake without testing it?
  3. What should I look for when buying pearls?
  4. How to know if the freshwater pearl you buy are real?
  5. Is it easy to identify fake pearls just by looking at it?
  6. How to know if the freshwater pearl you are buying are real??
  7. Is a pearl solid or hollow on the inside?
  8. Do genuine pearls peel if the outer layer is thin?
  9. Do pearls deteriorate over time?

The blog explains all these questions at a fundamental level that what is a pearl?, how to identify real pearls from fake ones? It covers different methods and information about pearls to help readers make smart choices when buying pearl jewellery 

Pearls are best described in the following two dictums:

"Pears are the moon to the diamond’s sun".

"The Diamond is to the Pearl as the Sun is to the Moon".

People know pearl jewellery for its timeless beauty and elegance. From white pearl necklaces to intricate pearl rings for women, pearls have adorned royalty and fashion throughout history.

Investment in pearl jewellery is possible in many ways, such as pearl studs, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Knowing about pearl quality is important before buying or investing in pearl jewelry. This helps ensure you're getting beautiful, long-lasting pieces. It helps in discerning the quality of pearls and enables buyers to appreciate their true value.

With the fundamental knowledge about pearls given in the blog, you will be able to avoid fake or subpar pearls. Your investment becomes valuable, which you can pass down to generations. 

People have treasured pearls for centuries, royalty has adorned them, and they have been worn as fine jewellery across cultures.

With their unique lustre and timeless elegance, pearls evoke a sense of sophistication.

Therefore, the pearl jewellery is so popular and in demand now that the market is full of fake pearls. These fake pearls look remarkably similar to their natural counterparts.

So the question arises: is there a way to tell if a pearl is real or fake without extensive testing?

In this blog, we will discuss ways to tell real pearls from fake ones using visual and tactile methods.

Understanding Pearl Types

First, learn about the types of pearls available before discussing how to identify them.

Natural Pearls:

Oysters form natural pearls organically in the wild without human intervention.

An oyster produces a natural pearl when it receives a foreign body between the mantle and the shell. The animal treats this like an aggravation, like having a foreign body in your shoe. Oyster cures it by coating it with a substance called Nacre Natural pearls are rare and can be exceedingly expensive.

Cultured Pearls

Cultured pearls are of two types, they come in both saltwater and freshwater varieties. Freshwater pearls are typically less expensive than saltwater cultured pearls.

Salt-water pearls come from saltwater oysters. They are produced by inserting a bead of mother of pearl between the mantle and shell of a live oyster.

Fresh-water: Formed in rivers and lakes. They are non-nucleated, meaning that, instead of mother-of-pearl bead being inserted into the mollusc, a small piece of mantle is introduced. Pearl grown is 80-90% pure nacre. 

Imitation or Simulated Pearls

Manufacturers make imitation pearls, also called fake or costume pearls, from materials like glass, plastic, or synthetic substances. While they can imitate the look of real pearls, they lack the depth of lustre and other qualities of natural or cultured pearls.

Here are some simple tools to guide you through your journey of acquiring pearls.

There are two ways a pearl may be a fake one.

  • It may not  be a pearl at all.
  • it may be one kind of pearl attempting to pass off as a more valuable kind of a pearl.

Here, we will discuss the first option that how to distinguish a real pearl from a fake one.

Steps to Identify Real Pearls

A. Visual Inspection: The First Step

1. Appearance and Surface Texture

Begin by closely examining the pearl’s surface for any deformities. Real pearls often exhibit slight imperfections in shape, size, and colour. Furthermore, natural pearls have a unique texture that might include minor blemishes or variations in lustre. Conversely, fake pearls tend to have a uniform surface that appears overly smooth or shiny.

2. Lustre and Shine

Real pearls display a rich, deep lustre that comes from the layers of nacre deposited by the oyster or mollusc. This lustre might vary when viewed from different angles. Fake pearls, on the other hand, have a superficial shine that lacks depth. If a pearl looks overly shiny or reflects light harshly, it may be imitation.

3. Colour Variations

Natural and cultured pearls often exhibit subtle colour variations, which may include overtone colours. Fake pearls are typically more uniform in colour and may look overly bright or sterile. To determine whether a pearl is real or fake, pay attention to the variety of colours and hues present on its surface.

B. Tactile Techniques: Touching and Testing

1. Rub Two Pearls Together

Pic showing how to rub pearls for checking their authenticity

One of the classic methods to distinguish real pearls from imitation pearls.

Fake or imitation pearls feel smooth when rubbed gently against each other or on your teeth.

Real pearls have a slight rough texture because of layers of nacre. If you feel a smooth surface when rubbing the pearls, it’s likely they are imitation. 

You may also rub the pearl against the edge of your top teeth. A real pearl will always feel rough.


A close-up portrait showing rubbing of pearls on teeth


This test will not identify a cultured pearl from natural pearls as both will feel rough.

2. Weight and Density

Real pearls tend to be heavier than their fake counterparts because they are made from denser materials like nacre. Take a few pearls of the same size and compare their weight in your hand. If one feels noticeably lighter, that should be a cause of warning.

3. Coldness to the Touch

Authentic pearls are poor retainers of heat. The pearls feel cold when you touch them fresh.

In olden times, rich ladies had their pearl first worn by their maids before they put them on their skin to avoid a cold-jerk. This would make the pearl warm up a bit and make them comfortable for the lady to wear.

When first touched, real pearls feel cool against the skin while fake pearls often feel warmer. This is because of the materials used in each type of pearl. Hold the pearl in your hand for a few moments, and if it warms up too quickly, it is likely to be a fake pearl.

Heat Conductivity Test

The heat conductivity test is a simple way to tell real pearls from fake ones, although it's not as detailed as a lab analysis.

Breath Test

Another simple method is to breathe on the pearl. Real pearls tend to absorb moisture from breath, resulting in a slight waviness on the surface. If the pearl’s surface remains clear and dry, it may be fake.


Check the Drill Holes

Check if the pearl has holes drilled in it.

Under a small lens, the edges of the drill hole will look as if a hole has been drilled. In case of real pearl, the top layer may even peel off but the shine around the hole remains intact. So, real pearls have shiny and slightly rough edges on the drill holes.

Fake pearls, on the other hand, have smooth or polished edges. These edges exhibit signs of manufacturing. 

Price Point

A thumb rule is that any strand of perfectly round pearls would be very expensive because of rarity, but perfectly round fake pearls are very common. While this may not be a full-proof method, but it is an important step to consider. Good pearls, whether natural or cultured, cost more because of their scarcity and the labour-intensive methods used to grow them.

Consider the Origin

Some pearls are more valuable than others based on their origin. Akoya, South Sea, and Tahitian pearls have a reputation for their quality and often cost more than freshwater pearls. When examining your jewellery, be sure to consider the type of pearl you are dealing with.

Round and Lustrous Real Tahitian Pearls


Seeking Expert Appraisal

If you are still uncertain after conducting your own assessments, it's wise to consult with a professional jeweller. They have the tools and expertise necessary to accurately evaluate the authenticity of pearls. Moreover, they can provide valuable insights into the quality and value of your pearl jewellery.

Conclusion: Embracing Authenticity

Knowing how to tell if a pearl is real or fake is essential for anyone thinking to buy pearl jewellery. One feels more confident about the jewellery choices by visually inspecting and knowing the ways to find genuine pearls.

Remember to examine the surface, rub pearls together, and apply other techniques mentioned above. 

Regardless of the type, pearls continue to carry an allure that captivates the heart. Pearls, whether freshwater or Tahitian, are elegant symbols of beauty, strength, and uniqueness.

Investing in real pearl jewellery can inspire confidence and style. Take your time to explore different options and enjoy the beauty of authentic pearls. They have a timeless elegance and carry a piece of history every time you wear them.

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